Twenty-six youth organizations from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Javakhk and Diaspora wrote an open letter condemning recent statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry forbidding its citizens to visit Nagorno-Karabakh, “as it is Azerbaijan's territory according to the international law”. Moreover, Poland's foreign office demands getting “permission” of the official Baku before visiting Nagorno-Karabakh.
In the letter Armenian youth organizations recall that the Artsakh people proclaimed independence in the letter and spirit of international law. “We would like to add that Polish and Armenian people historically had friendly relations. It is not mere chance that the Armenian cavalry, being a part of the Polish army, managed to defeat enemy and destroy sultan when the Turks were getting ready to conquer Vienna and intrude into Europe. It is just an episode of the friendly relations between our nations. In this regard, we, the representatives of the Armenian youth organizations, condemn at least odd and obscure anti-Armenian decision of the Polish Foreign Ministry and demand that it should be reversed,” the letter says.
Information that Polish Foreign Ministry forbids its citizens to visit Nagorno-Karabakh, as it is Azerbaijan's territory according to the international law and demands getting permission of the official Baku, was not spread by official Warsaw, Polish Embassy in Yerevan told Yerkir Media TV company.
In a phone conversation the head of embassy's political department noted that such statement was posted on the website of Polish Embassy in Baku.
Interestingly, the website of Polish Embassy in Baku is temporarily unavailable, whereas Polish foreign office refused to comment on the issue.